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D&AD Brief - Go With The Flow: Image


In my second semester, I took on The Case For Her D&AD brief, that looked at finding ways to de-stigmatise menstruation, though a service, campaign or product.

Through research, I found that many females were concerned about the education of men and their attitudes towards periods, and believed it stemmed from a lack of education in schools for young boys, that in some cases goes on to result in a lack of respect and understanding. I also learnt that often people resort to creating products (e.g. new types of pads), as it is a straightforward approach to periods. However this does not necessarily tackle mindsets and the source of the stigma.

D&AD Brief - Go With The Flow: About
D&AD Brief - Go With The Flow: Video

In response to the release of the new period emoji, released this year (2019) by Plan International, I developed a period-based game that would commence when the emoji is sent in a Facebook messenger chat; this would be similar to the popular basketball and football emoji games. The reason for this is to allow a private space for young teenage boys to perhaps interact with the concept of periods in the safe space of a messenger conversation, and there would also be an element of curiosity and competition that would encourage them to partake.

The game consists of three levels, each featuring a descending uterus that the player would need to catch blood droplets from, using the provided sanitary product. Players would come across obstacles such as cramps, heavy flow and emotions (misty eyes), while trying to catch as much blood as possible before the uterus rebuilds. Scores are given and ultimately sent back into the Facebook competition, so that the game can continue.

D&AD Brief - Go With The Flow: Text
D&AD Brief - Go With The Flow: ProGallery_Widget
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